Posted in Staff Articles

My Minimalist Journey (Update)

I have accomplished absolutely nothing, except that I’m a hoarder when it comes to artwork. Although, I now only have around 4 boxes of art supplies rather than a gazillion. I was kind of productive during the month of October. It was difficult but I sort of managed, now onto the rest of it. I would like to have 1 box of art supplies and 1 or 2 of those 4 boxes just for my clothing and paperwork. It’s not a bad dream right?

Eventually I’ll have this down. In the mean time, I have obtained an ordination in the Universal Life Church Ministry, and follow the path of wicca. So that’s something else, a bit productive.

Starting the second week in the month of November; I was in a car accident.  I’m not sure what’s going to happen to said car but we will find out more Monday. As well as if I’m physically okay, aside from some pain and swelling. In that time, I reconnected with my planner obsession and decorated up until Christmas in it.


Mind over Matter right? At least that’s how this should work out. .  . Anyhow, I just wanted to update all of you, and thank you for the likes and follows! It is greatly appreciated!

So, with that being said I will say my goodbyes and ask all of you minimalists and artists. How do you declutter? How are you so organized? HELP ME!! . . . please . . . .LOL!!!

(Featured Photo Courtesy of Bing – Full Website: Latina Homemaker)

Posted in Magazine Issues, Staff Articles

Inktober Versus Quality

Good Morning!
To mark the beginnings of the October, there is something mysterious artists do in which they refer to the challenge,

What is this challenge? It’s called Inktober. Its a month long challenge/event. In Witch, hehe see what I did there. . . Okay, what you do is create an Ink drawing per day. There is only one real rule; it must be inked.


Just to reiterate it; you must complete it. Now, to be honest, this is just my personal opinion when it comes to challenges like this. Its also a personal preference, just to be clear on that.

The drawings I keep seeing are just scrap-work, and again, that is my personal opinion. When I say scrap-work this is the kind of art that I am looking at; moon_by_augustyne-d4ibwnh

I understand not having the time to work on a piece because you are bogged down by other works, or you are just a hobbyist and this isn’t a full time job, but still don’t put up work that has no type of quality.

I do not think you should sacrifice the quality of your work by uploading scraps you have inked in the hopes of keeping up with the Inktober mindset.

Now, when you re-purpose those scraps and redraw them or turn them into something else, that’s a whole ‘nother post in its entirety.

Im honestly just being saddened by those artists who are doing what I’m describing. Please note that not every artist thinks about this in the same way. Again, I really want to make it clear that this is a personal preference. So, with that being said I am going to be using to of my own pieces as a starting point, or example if you will. As to not offend anyone. girl_chosen_by_augustyne-d6dwx95

Especially when I know and understand that every one arts differently lol but I want people even hobbyist to strive for greatness when they put their “Art Foot” forward. I want there to be this glass star way up there, out of reach, and you just have to stretch yourself out and just break it. I want you to break that star with your artwork.

JUST BREAK IT and then make a new goal to reach for, and with all that being said, leads into my next topic of Learning through Experience but we shall get there soon!

So for the year of 2016, and the month of Inktober. I am going to challenge myself, and attempt to put my best artwork forward. I shall leave you with this new standard to put upon yourself as well. . . . . . . . .  . I Challenge YOU!

(Below is a drawing for Inktober 2015)


That was all for today, thanks for stopping by!


Posted in Magazine Issues, Staff Articles

Artists Insomina – How to deal with it as an Art Student

Every great artist seems to suffer with an illness, even if it’s something small but the most common ones are depression, anxiety, socially awkward personas, and even insomnia.

In this post we will be discussing the latter.

Art is a great tool to deal with all of these things, and sometimes even the best pieces come from them. There is even an artist who is inspired by their insomnia, Insomnia Arts, there isn’t a lot there but it should start filling up soon, and so we’re going to keep our eye on it. There are also groups for insomnia artists on DeviantART itself that are filled with a lot of artists, and artworks.


For those who don’t know the definition of insomnia is the inability to stay, or even fall asleep. For some, they can go nights without sleep. Others use that time where they are unable to sleep, and put it towards something productive. One of my personal favorites, actually admitted to suffering from Insomnia at one point. You can see his work here, and a video below shows a bit about him and the amazing works that come from his mind.

But how do you deal with this as a student, let alone an art student? I’ll tell you below.

I’ve created a bulleted list on what you can do to deal with the insomnia, without medication. (Also a list of medications can be found on WebMD, and by talking to your doctor.) Personally, I don’t want to list the medications because I think that you should at least try to do things without it, then if they don’t work you can resort to medication but that’s only a personal opinion. Everyone deals with this in there own way, and in no way do I claim to be an expert on the disorder. These are just my personal tips:

  • Drink Lavender Tea before bed
  • Meditate/Relax *
  • Yoga/Meditation*

*Obviously those can be placed together but some people think of them as separate things.

Honestly, drawing does many different things. Sometimes it can stress you, relax you. Especially to the point where you’re so relaxed and stressed you end up falling asleep, or is that just me? Yeah, okay. It might just be me, and some of these things actually do work for me!

I remember when I was meditating during yoga practice I ACTUALLY FELL ASLEEP!!  So try it, and let us know if these simple tips helped you out!